
Evangelisation Mission Ireland

A Catholic spiritual movement of missionary families, operating catholic church-orientedministries for different nationalities, focussing on Evangelisation through ministries for Adults, Children, Teens, and Youth.



And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. (John 8:32). Proclaiming the Good News and make disciples of all nations. Each soul is precious in the eyes of the lord.Every tongue should worship our God, every knee shall bend in front of their Creator, thus, change this nation completely to be God’s chosen people.


Re-evangelization of Europe, through our different ministries like
Bible Mission, Street Mission, Vianney Mission, ‘Ephatha’ Bible Conference
and many more. With continuous outreach programs and events, we try to give holy spirit for the Formation of Holy families. (Acts 1:8).
Empower generations through the formation of children, Teenagers Youth to
gain souls for Heaven.

For Christ and
for his Church

Child Protection Policy

Street Mission

A street ministry primarily should serve the spiritual needs of the community. Our street ministry comprising in giving out religious literature, Bible, to people who are discouraged about certain circumstances in their lives. In our experience, this is a great opportunity to meet different members of the society and providing the word of God and giving a chance to have a close encounter with God our Lord. Like our great teacher Jesus Christ we too continuously traveling from one place to another preaching word of God

Bible Mission

Vianney Mission

Media Mission

University Mission